Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I'm Baaaaack

So after a month of silence, I am back to blogging. I hope I don't ever need to take a break that long again. I will post pictures of our new digs in NH, but for now I am not ready. I still need to hang things on the wall so it looks more like a real home. I promise...photo documentation of our new place will be on soon.

It has been a long month away. April was jam packed with finishing school, finishing work, finals, graduation, packing, moving, leaving Carter for the first time, and unpacking at our new house. The drive was loooooong and I glad we don't have to do it again any time soon. Leaving and being away from Carter for three days was much harder than I thought it would be, and again, I am glad I don't have to do it again any time soon. Our new house is great! We love living here already. It is really nice to have a place to ourselves and still be close to family. I think it is a great blend. Our new ward as been very welcoming and we are excited to be part of a new "family".

Our life here is very different than life in Provo. I don't see pregnant women every day when I go to the store and in fact, when I do go out shopping in the middle of the day with all the other "stay-at-home-moms" it is seldom that I even see another baby for Carter to meet. Raymond is a special town. It has a very unique blend of inhabitants as do most New England towns. "In Town" which is really just one main street, I would probably feel more comfortable if I owned my own Camaro...or had feathered bangs that wreak of Aussie hair products...or a rose tattoo...or taper legged jeans...or mirrored sunglasses purchased at a gas station ...or a smile like a jack-o-lantern...am I painting a clear enough picture? Anyway, the locals are friendly and I enjoy the show when I go "downtown". Mike and I have even started working on our accents for interactions with Raymond residents. We try to remember to start each sentence with "Yeahr I was..." as in "Yeahr I was wonderin' how fah it is to the nearest Wal-Maht." Mike has been practicing his Raymond accent out on Shelby at the Routes by prank calling her first thing in the morning. She thinks it is annoying, I think it is hilarious.

In any case we are glad to be back in NH and look forward to reacquainting with all of our friends here. I am sure I will have many more interesting stories to share while we are here.


Emma and John said...

haha- I miss you guys so much already! I'm glad you're getting settled in ok and I can't wait to hear some accents! I've definitely missed them out here.

Mike and Ariane said...

Woohoo, return of the Siebachs!

Anonymous said...

You could get matching doo-rags for the whole family.

hollylynn said...

I'm glad you're back, Shauna!! And amen to the exit of Syesha...long overdue if you ask me.