Tuesday, May 20, 2008


It may surprise some people to know, but I have been wanting to try yoga for a long time, but was too scared and didn't want to embarrass myself. Well, now that I have moved to a new town, I thought, what is there to lose? I don't know anyone here and judging from those I have seen, I don't think I will feel ugly/awkward/fat. So, I signed up for classes through the Raymond Rec Center (3 a week for 6 weeks) in hopes of getting more toned and centered. I weigh the same as I did pre-pregnancy, but things are not in the same place anymore. I have never been tight and toned, but it is driving me crazy to not at least look like my old flabby self. Anyway, I went today...alone...see Mom, I will do things by myself, and I had a really good time. For starters I am the youngest person in the class, a really refreshing feeling, especially since coming from Provo. Also, the lights were off which helped me feel more confident and the teacher was really clear as to what to do and I didn't feel "left behind" like I sometimes do in a group athletic class. I took an aerobics class once where I was always two movements behind the group...not a good feeling. I kept my balance very well and was even able to try some of the intermediate techniques. I couldn't believe it but by the end of the class I was able to balance my whole body on my elbows and shoulders and do scissor kicks in the air. I haven't done that since I was little. So, while I am a long way from doing the above pose, I was very proud of myself for trying something new and doing well at it. The teacher came up to me afterward to introduce herself to me (everyone else in the class is on a first name basis) and she thought I had done yoga before. So, yea! I have found something that requires coordination that I can do. Sorry that you had to read this written "pat on the back" but I am proud of myself and I feel great (a little sore, but great).


Anonymous said...

I so want to sign up for Yoga. I love it. Karen and I took Yoglates and Aquarobics together one summer. It was great.

hollylynn said...

ooo! good job, shauna! maybe i will try now...

Hannah said...

that's awesome! I've never really tried yoga either but it looks fun to try.

Mike and Ariane said...

Woohoo, good job! I am still trying to figure it out in the comfort and privacy of my living room. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm completely impressed. I would be tempted to try something like that, except that I know I would end up in a pretzel by accident and wouldn't have the slightest idea how to get myself back to normal. I think I would snap completely in two if I ever tried the position in the picture you posted. For now, my feet will remain firmly planted on the floor. Still, I'm thrilled you did so well. We all miss you here in happy valley, by the way. Jed and I keep trying to remember your jokes so we can laugh as hard as we did before you ditched us. Good luck over there.