Monday, January 11, 2010


I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve...American Idol season premiere is tomorrow and I can't wait!! Today anytime I have a moment that doesn't require all of my brain power (ie. doing dishes, cleaning, hauling wood) my mind wanders and wonders what the next night and the next five months with hold. It sadly is the only time of year I am very consistent about updating the old blog and I like having a commitment of something to write about. Anyway, just wanted to express my excitement to someone other than my babies who will be in bed when all the merriment takes place.


Hannah said...

woo hoo! Can't wait to read your commentary. That's usually the best part!

You should join twitter so that we can get live reactions from you as the show takes place. Of course, I'd have to join twitter to actually READ them, but if you do it I totally will! That would be awesome.

M said...

This morning I woke up and had two thoughts:

1) YESSS! American Idol is starting up again!
2) YESSS! Shauna is going to have commentary on her blog!

I'm so excited. I second Hannah's idea about Twitter. That could be fun.

e said...

Me too, me too!
Can't wait!
AND I can't wait for reviews from you!