Tuesday, March 18, 2008

3 Months!!!

I can hardly believe how fast the time has gone by -- Carter is 3 months old today! He is improving quickly and getting over his RSV. He still has a bit of a cough, but he is sleeping well and eating well and breathing without a struggle. What an agonizing week last week! I still can't believe how much my life has changed since Carter was born. I feel like I am not in control of my emotions any more. If he is unhappy, I am unhappy. He really is a such a good baby and hopefully all our kids will be this easy. For his "birthday" today we gave him a bath and we put him in his BYU jersey. Admittedly, that was mostly for Mike's benefit, but it was cool to see how much he's grown. When we first brought him home, we thought it would be a lot longer before we could put him in the jersey. At his doctor's appointment last week he weighed 14 lbs. We need to measure how long he is again, because he seems to be so stretched out -- just very long and lean. I wish I had that problem. Maybe he will start to look more filled out (like Mike and I) soon.


Sargent Family said...

hooray! im so excited for you to be coming home! what ward are you going to be in? I think you're going to be about 45 min-1 hour away from our house. Ollie and Carter are going to have to become best friends.

Where did you get Carter's shoes? Oliver's always fall off.

Ashley said...

So Carter was born on December 17? That's neat! He's just one day older than Spencer--December 18. But he's 14 pounds? Whoa! I thought Spence was catching up with his age group, but he's just 11 1/2 at this point. He was an early guy, so we're doing our best to chunk him up. How's everything with you?